OK, I want to turn my vehicle (or fleet) into a rolling billboard. Now what?


There are three phases of the vehicle graphics production timeline:


  • Design
  • Production, and
  • Installation.


The longest piece of that process is the design phase. Because you want your vehicle wrap design to demand attention from prospective clients, it’s important to get it right the first time. With our backgrounds in business and marketing, we don’t stop thinking about your vehicle promotion until we’ve got an effective and eye-catching vehicle wrap design set up for you, based around your target audience and your marketing goals. And even then we don’t usually “put it down”…we’ll call or e-mail after your vehicle is delivered with random marketing ideas we come up with! Once that’s finalized, we’ll produce the graphics and install them on your vehicle. Vehicle wrap production is typically 5 business days, and then we can usually handle installation in 24-48 hours.


We are excited to have streamlined the vehicle wrap process so that you can minimize the time you spend away from doing what you do best…running your business or managing your fleet. We handle our wrap design proofing via e-mail so that you can continue your day-to-day tasks. We even respond to e-mails after hours and we are happy to work most weekends or work around your fleet’s schedule, in order to keep your vehicles up and running when and where they’re needed.


So, let us get started creating a mobile billboard for you. (Hey, did you know that in Salt Lake City, your vehicle graphics are going to receive close to 600 impressions for every mile you drive? No more back roads for you!)